Episode 1. What Makes People Happy? - Spider Chart
Can we make a podcast?
Key Points:
- Title for the podcast is based on a story about John Lennon where he told his teacher that she didn't understand life.
- People are happy when they spend time being around other people with whom they enjoy being around
- Deep relationships are what really matter, not just the number of people you know
- Schedule time to be around other people you enjoy. It's worth the effort
- Make friends with your co-workers by scheduling time with them to create a deeper relationship
- Most people try to be happy by accomplishing things. This does work but only for a short amount of time; then it wears off
- Using a "spider chart" (see below) helps people to focus on all the important aspects of life and not just one
- It's hard to focus on all 7 aspects of life at the same time
- Every choice that we make has side effects: making us happy in one dimension but also less happy in other dimensions
- Saying "Yes" to one thing means you are saying "No" to someone else
- Decision making is hard because we are given time constraints on decisions, so we cannot think about how every decision effects every dimension of our lives