Episode 10.
Nature vs. Nurture


Why do different people prefer different foods?

Key Points:

  • Nature = Your DNA; Nurture = Your experience
  • "Your Experiences" includes what people tell you
  • Our brains are designed to remember stories; that's how we store information
  • Plato was on the side of nature. He philosophized that people are predestined based on how they were born
  • The truth is that we have free will and our choices matter
  • In the 1800s, John Locke coined the term "Nature vs. Nurture"
  • Locke was a proponent of the "Clean Slate" theory: genes don't matter, only experiences after birth
  • Science has finally caught up with your intuition: both nature and nurture matter
  • Identical twins can be used to see how much of something is based on environment/experiences
  • Twins that grow up in the same house have a lot of the same childhood experiences, so a lot of the best studies are based on identical twins that are separated at birth
  • Now, we are finally in the golden age of nature vs. nurture where science is studying how much is nature and how much is nurture
  • Height is generally agreed to be about 90% based on genetics
  • Note that this does not mean 90% of one individual's height is based on genes, it's 90% of height in the total population
  • Reading disability, autism, Alzheimers, and schitzophrenia are all more than 50% genetic
  • Alcoholism, bipolar disease, and hypertension are only about 50% genetic
  • The experience that a baby gets in the womb has been shown to be very important to its future development