Episode 7.
Can we get another pet?


Can we get another pet?

Key Points:

  • 50% of Americans have pets
  • Approximately 26% of people own a fresh water fish, 25% have cats, and 23% have dogs
  • Almost 30% of households have more than one type of pet
  • Studies have shown that petting an animal can be comforting
  • Most people get animals to get more "love and belonging (See episode on Maslow's Hierarchy)
  • To get more love and belonging, people often have kids
  • People like puppies and kittens because they are cute like babies
  • Humans think they are cute because of the large eye to head size ratio
  • Many, many studies have shown that pet owners are happier and healtier
  • Including studies that show that people in hospitals or nursing homes get happier and healtier when pets are introduced
  • A recent study, though, has shown that the difference may be due to self selection: people that are already happier and healthier choose to get pets rather than the pet causing a change
  • People with pets, especially dogs, meet more people because of their pet
  • Most of the statistical effect on health probably comes from the owner getting more exercise: playing with their pets, or walking them
  • Taking care of pets takes a lot of work; this probably mitigates the positive effect of pets on happiness
  • Pets cost both time and money
  • According to a study by Money magazine, cats and dogs cost about $1000 for the first year and $500 each subsequent year
  • People are often categorized as either being cat people or dog people; this is generally based on the person's personality
  • People who consider themselves dog people are generally the kind of people who want to take their pet for a walk: to go outside with them
  • "Cat people" have a tendency to be people who are happy staying at home with their cat
  • Also, women are more likely to consider themselves cat people and men are more likely to consider themselves dog people
  • Because dogs are able to be trained to be loyal and provide love and belonging, they are called "man's best friend"
  • Decision factors on whether to get a pet:
    • Understand why you are getting the pet
    • How responsible is the person who will be taking care of it: learning this can improve esteem
    • Do you have the room in your budget for the cost
    • If the thing that will most affect happiness is more love and belonging