Episode 8.
Plan Ahead


Can I have a piece of gum?

Key Points:

  • What d we take into consideration when the kids asked us if they can have gum?
    • If you've had any that day
    • If the child was being good
    • What's going to happen in the next few hour
  • What things, if happening in the next few hours, would mean we would say NO to having gum?
    • Eating
    • Going to school
    • Structured sports, e.g. ice skating
    • Sleeping
  • Thinking ahead applies to more than just gum
  • You should always be thinking ahead
  • You need to have a system that works for you to make sure that you know what is coming in order to make wise decisions (e.g. having a schedule)
  • You can either remember something, or you can write it down
  • Thinking ahead is a big part of making wise decisions
  • All the time, you should be thinking ahead: what will be happening in the future and so what does that mean for my actions now
  • My opinion is that if you are good at making wise decisions, then you will be able to learn everything else when you need to
  • It's not easy to make wise decisions: Adults make an estimated 30-50 thousand decisions per day