Episode 9.
Love Languages
Why do people like to get gifts?
Key Points:
- "The Five Love Languages" is the name of a book by Gary Chapman.
- Everybody, including children, have different "languages" of how they express love
- People generally have one or two "languages" which really makes them feel loved. This is, generally, how they also express love
- The Five Love Languages
- Touch
- Physical contact with the person feels like love
- Some people really like getting hugs and kisses, but others really don't
- If someone doesn't really feel love from a hug, then they are likely to not want one because it might make them feel akward or uncomfortable more than feel like it is an expression of love
- Acts of Service
- When someone does something for someone else, the person "receiving" the act of service feels love for the person "doing" the act of service
- Gifts
- Receiving something from someone else, especially something physical, is an expression of love
- For people who's love language is gifts, the monetary value of a gift does not matter
- What matters is the thought that was put into the gift: what the person receiving the gift would want
- Quality Time
- Two different "types" of quality time: doing the same thing OR just being around each other but not doing the same thing
- Likely that people are on a spectrum between the two "types": i.e. how much just being around someone without interacting is considered quality time
- Just spending time around someone and not interacting in any other way might make people feel like they are forming a small relationship, but it would not be a super close relationship
- Words of Affirmation
- A.k.a "Verbal", meaning having to do with what is said
- Saying "I love you" is a form of affirmation
- But, really "Words of Affirmation" is expressing confidence in someone and letting them know that you think they are awesome
- Generally, believed that your love language is primarily based on "nature" as opposed to "nurture"
- Whole point of the book: Understanding what love language someone has should influence your actions, so that you can express love in the way that they will receive it
- Everybody feels love from all 5 love languages, but we talk about what someone's primary and secondary are, which are the two love languages which they feel love from the most
- Relationships are formed when people feel that the other person cares about them, which is essentially, doing things from the love languages
- Understanding what someone's love language is lets you know how to form a positive relationship with that person
- Showing people that you care about them through all five of the love languages is essentially how to form relationships
- Everybody has an order of love languages: it's a forced ranking system, so everybody has one which is higher than the others and one which is lower than the others