Episode 15.
Design Thinking


How do you figure stuff out?

Key Points:

  • If you want to know how to do something and you don't know how to do things, there are only 5 broad options
    • Give Up
    • Get someone else to do it for you
    • Learn how to do it, through:
      • Research - look things up
      • Teaching - having a physical literal person teach you how to do it
      • Tiral and Error - Try something, test it, and change things until you have a good solution
  • When I say "figure it out", I usually mean "trial and error"
  • Trial and Error is a lot of the methodology in "Design Thinking"
  • Once you do something a bunch of times, then it becomes normal
  • The concept of "Design Thinking" is to think from the customer's perspective
  • Traditional Design is where someone comes up with the design requirements and then you have to find a solution that fits those parameters
  • When nobody knows what the best answer is, then the only option is "Trial and Error"
  • Customers want things that they don't even know they want. It is only after they experience it that they actually realize that they like it
  • Design Thinking steps
    1. Start with the customer in mind: empathize with the customer
    2. Prototype - enough for customers to get the idea of how it will work
    3. Test the prototype with customers
    4. Pivot or Keep Going - Throw away what people don't like and keep what people love
  • The main tenets of design thinking are: move fast, fail fast, and empathize with the customer
  • Customers don't always get details right, because they're human, but when a customer is not happy, there is probably some underlying issue to resolve, even if it isn't your business's fault
  • You don't fix a person; you change the environment so that a person's response is different
  • A great way to change a person's environment is to provide them more of thier Love Languages
  • Results come from actions which comes from their beliefs which comes from their experiences
  • If you want someone's actions to be different, the way to do that is to provide experiences which will change their beliefs which thereyby change their actions
  • A single "Experience" doesn't change someone's beliefs. It takes many, many consistent experiences to change someone's beliefs and therefore change their actions
