Episode 20.
Clifton Strengths (Part 1)


What am I good at?

Key Points:

  • Kelly, Leonard's sister, joined us today to talk about Clifton Strengths
  • We did a real quick recap of MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Index)
  • Superman has a weakness of Kryptonite, but he has a lot of strengths. If he spent all day focused on his weakness, he would never save any people
  • In school, this means teachers and parents should use a kid's interests to push them forward rather than get on their case about their weaknesses
  • In society, we don't like to tell people that they can't be whatever they want to be, but strengths finder says if you focus on your strengths you will get to where you should be
  • You can be whatever you want to be at a high level, e.g. a scientist, but certain niches in that group will be better for specific people
  • Use the skills that you are good at to get to the point that you want to get to
  • Kelly's strengths are communication, strategic, and activator
  • Our brains are designed to remember stories more than just data
  • Leonard's strengths are Strategic, Competitive, and Learner
  • The Clifton Strengths can be split into 4 types which are pretty similar to Quadrant Theory